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Last weekend was MIT’s annual Mystery Hunt, where hundreds of puzzlers (comprised of MIT students, alums, and puzzle enthusiasts alike), gather to solve a series of puzzles in the hunt for a coin hidden on campus. While I am no longer near the institute and had most of my weekend booked, I spared pockets of […]

(Part 1) My parts came in last Tuesday, and quite excitedly, I went to work on it. With the help of my friend, it took me about 3 hours to finish putting together. It was a little nerve wracking handling the parts and ensuring a random chance of static electricity wouldn’t render them useless. Wrapped […]

From Psych Season 5 Episode 3:

(Posts about Europe will be completed…later) I’ve been milling around with the idea of building a desktop to serve as a media center and as a web and file server. Now that I’m back with a little time on my hands, I decided to do it. My reference was a $620 Dell Inspiron 570 MT […]

When I first saw trailers for The Karate Kid, I wasn’t too excited by it. It seemed like a knock off movie loosely based on the 1984 original, meant to kick-start the career of Jaden Smith and bring Jackie Chan back on the forefront of martial arts movies. Still, I had heard some good things […]

Google launched a new layout two days ago, to something I am not a fan of and makes me seriously disappointed in Google’s design decisions. It seems Google is losing the simplicity of its user interface that has driven so many people to use it. Let’s do a side by side comparison between the old […]

Despite being a fan of the Kill Bill series and Pulp Fiction, I find Quentin Tarantino movies to skitter dangerously close to my edge of dislike. Such was the case with Reservoir Dogs, which was overly confusing and so full of unnecessary, unfunny dialogue that it lost my attention. The Tarantino style found in all […]

Beginning with The Little Mermaid in 1989 and ending with Tarzan in 1999, Disney experienced a string of box office successes in the form of traditional, 2-D animated Broadway-like films. Among these included the now classics, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King. These films were predominantly reinventions of fairy tales that captured […]

Why is it that airports allow only people with boarding passes through security? Boarding passes these says are printed on such flimsy, everyday paper that it wouldn’t be that hard just to fake a boarding pass. Some airlines don’t even check that the seat and name on the pass matches what they have in their […]